Are There Sticky Notes in Heaven? Please Say Yes.
Wow, it's been a hot second. The higher my stress level gets, the more I miss this daily dose of gratitude. I need it. I'm not sure that I can commit to daily writing again, but I have truly been equal parts humbled and inspired these past few days, and I need an outlet for the overwhelming feelings of gratitude. I want to hold this feeling, and this might be one of the best ways that I know how. I love my life. I really do. That being said, some days are easier than others. When I get too caught up, I pray that I will not let myself become too stressed or busy to notice the daily Post-its I get from God. I always get what I need when I need it most, I swear. There are these reminders. Sometimes it's people who go out of their way to love me when I least deserve it. Sometimes it's small yet humbling moments. Sometimes it's just a little thing with a big meaning. I just have to look for it, and I turns out I don'...