Day 12- Ashley Ferri

I know that this is super cheesy and cliche to say, but I really do think it's as fun to give as it is to receive. I tease Tom about how I end up doing most of our Christmas shopping, but I really love to do it. I spend hours debating each gift and each decision online and in the stores, hoping to find the perfect thing for each person.

I wake up with my tail wagging each Christmas not because I am so excited to open my own gifts (although I should say that I do appreciate them oh so much). Rather, I can't wait to see the looks on the faces of the recipients of these gifts that I have so carefully selected. I must admit that it's somewhat disappointing to see my gifts tossed into a pile or to see that they have not generated any real excitement. They just don't understand what it is yet, I think to myself, or Once he uses it, he'll understand how much he needed it.

Imagine my delight when my gifts generate exactly the response I am hoping for! Today Tom and I had Christmas with my in-laws in Texas, our fifth and last Christmas of the season, and the last chance to see our gifts opened and enjoyed this year. Thanks to Tom's sister, Ashley, we sent out the giving season with a bang. Each gift she opened was met with an "OOOOOOOOOoohhh!" or an "Ahhhhh" or some other kind of thankful squeal. While these noises may often times be used in a fake yay-I'm-excited-but-I'm-actually-returning-this sort of way, hers were not. She made us feel as if she was genuinely overjoyed with each rip of the paper and unveiling of a treasure. If she wasn't, the girl deserves an Oscar!

Thanks, Ashley Ferri, you made my day.


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