Day 79- Growing Voices and Royal Beach

Last year at this time, we were laughing our buns off at Zach Galifianakis on SNL.  It turns out that his girlfriend Quinn Lundberg co-founded a great charity called Growing Voices.  I'll be supporting this in my small little $5 donation kind of way today.

Here is what they do:

GV creates a direct line of support between donor and recipient, which addresses issues of accountability and promotes a humanistic approach to giving. We hope that by providing a network geared towards a respectful informational exchange, gifting, and no fee volunteering, you will be inspired to participate in change at the grassroots level.


On vacation, I don't want to turn red.
I'd much rather tan in a tanning bed.

This will help me to prepare,
so I won't burn when I get there.

Is there anything else? you ax (ask, you know)
Why yes, it helps me to relax.

While I won't tan my life away,
I did let it make my day today.

Thank you, Royal Beach, you made my day.


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