Day 110- Candy and Bingo

There's no separation between my donation and gratitude today.  It's all part of one big happy family!

At this time last year, I was celebrating the very end of a LARGE stack of grading... research papers and projects and outlines and journals... it was a lot.  Today I started a week's worth of review before my kids start to take their standardized tests.  While I think the day to day moments and learning I witness in my classroom are the most valuable to my students, others use these standardized tests to measure both my worth and that of my kids.  Therefore, it is crucial that my kids do well.  I want everyone else to see what I see.

I'm trying to make this review as enjoyable as possible.  I want the students to feel confident and capable... we ain't afraid of no test!  Bingo was the big item on today's agenda.  Students filled out cards with the words from their study guides, and we went to town.  I spent way more than today's donation amount on edible Bingo pieces and prizes for our winners.  I found those little plastic eggs that open up and filled them with candy and stickers and all kinds of fun.  The kids surprised themselves with how much they knew and remembered, and I surprised them with prizes.

I know that lots of parents and teachers and coaches now operate by the philosophy that games are played for fun, and it's not important who wins.  This is not the case in my classroom.  I nurture and encourage all kids, but I am way too competitive myself to not make a big deal out of winning.  It was fun to see kids get serious about the game and to try their best to take a crack at one of those eggs.  It was fun to see kids who never get any kind of victory triumph in the games.  It was fun just to get to relax with my kids and have fun with some good old-fashioned Bingo.  I freaking love Bingo.

Thank you, Bingo, you made my day.


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