Day 318- Bob Evans
This post is titled "Bob Evans" because I had an amazing tryst with some of Bob's food this evening, but the credit for the day really goes to my fabulous husband. I don't want to repeat any subjects for the first 365 days here... so Tom and Bob will share some time today. After having to pick me up last night and write my blog for me (yes, see the update on Day 317), I'm sure Tom must have been a little weary of my "Hey, I'm in college again for a night" behavior. However, when I woke up this morning a little... ahem... under the weather, he did not show any signs of annoyance whatsoever. Instead, he was kind to me all day long. Tom took care of the dog all day without saying a word. He got me water and tylenol and grilled cheese. He tucked me in on the couch under the most comfortable blanket of all time and quietly went about his business around the house. I started to feel like a real person again this afternoon, and I decided...