Day 307- Team 8-1/8-2 Lunch
I think it should be quite clear by now that I adore my job. However, I also cherish my break time for lunch. Sometimes being with other adults for a little while is just what I need... so we can act like 8th graders.
Teaching can be an isolating profession, as I spend my day surrounded by kids who are half my age (literally). I adore them too, but let's face it... they watch Hannah Montana and listen to Justin Beiber. I need some time with my colleagues now and then!
This is a long and tough week with parent teacher conferences and a 3-in-1 kind of day tomorrow that will be a bit of a frenzy. Our students are acting the way you might expect students to act during this type of week. I was getting a wee bit irked by the time 1 o'clock rolled around, and I was happy for a break to give myself an attitude adjustment. We all started lunch with a little bit of venting, and then we were off. If today's lunch was a game of Jeopardy, the categories might have gone something like, "Inappropriate Hand Gestures," "Things That Make Me Giggle Because I Have an Eighth Grade Sense of Humor," and "That's What She Said." Lots of chuckles.
Thank you, Team 8-1/8-2 Lunch, you made my day.
Teaching can be an isolating profession, as I spend my day surrounded by kids who are half my age (literally). I adore them too, but let's face it... they watch Hannah Montana and listen to Justin Beiber. I need some time with my colleagues now and then!
This is a long and tough week with parent teacher conferences and a 3-in-1 kind of day tomorrow that will be a bit of a frenzy. Our students are acting the way you might expect students to act during this type of week. I was getting a wee bit irked by the time 1 o'clock rolled around, and I was happy for a break to give myself an attitude adjustment. We all started lunch with a little bit of venting, and then we were off. If today's lunch was a game of Jeopardy, the categories might have gone something like, "Inappropriate Hand Gestures," "Things That Make Me Giggle Because I Have an Eighth Grade Sense of Humor," and "That's What She Said." Lots of chuckles.
Thank you, Team 8-1/8-2 Lunch, you made my day.