Day 150- Mail

When we got home tonight (after a bit of a delay), it was pouring down rain, and we realized that we had not had the foresight to pack any kind of gear... you know, like an umbrella or some coats...

However, we are home sweet home safe and sound, and that's so nice.  Tom and I have discussed before that we both have the same fear that we will pull up to the house and find it flooded or burned to the ground.  This may have something to do with the plumbing emergency we found in progress the first day we walked in with our own set of keys.  Welcome to home ownership!  We both hold our breath as we pull into the neighborhood and only exhale once we've made it inside and see that everything is in order and just as it should be.  I love the feeling of the exhale of relief, followed by an inhale of the smell of our house.  After all, every house has its own specific scent, and I am certain that I could recognize the scent of any house I've ever lived in (or visited frequently) in a lineup.

As we drove up to the house, we saw that all of this rain has made our lawn lush and green, and our plants have come back big and strong and ready to show themselves off to the neighborhood.  We're excited to see all the blooms bust open soon, and we were happy to see that we didn't miss the big reveal.

The best surprise of all, the best saved for last, was the mail.  I had two packages, treasures that I had ordered shipped right to my door (no, not THE dress yet), and my contract waiting for me.  Exciting :).  Usually I am a careful opener of envelopes, but these pieces of mail called for reckless joy, as the envelopes were not nearly as important as the contents inside.  They were lovely welcome back gifts to our lovely house and our lovely lives.

Tom and I are so lucky to be able to travel and see our families, and I cherish each and every opportunity we get for these visits.  I always think, when we drive up to a house still intact and smell the scent of OUR home, that we are also extremely lucky to come home to this.  Sometimes it takes going away to truly appreciate the home and the life we have built for ourselves here and how blessed we are (cue cheesy Full House music as the "lesson of the day" scene fades...)

Thank you, mail, you made my day.


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