Promises Promises

I just fell asleep sitting up.  Does that do a sufficient job of explaining my current mental state and abilities?

I have some charities picked out and ready to go to get me on track and to get this giving thing kicked off.  However, I want to be able to give a little blurb on each one and its importance/meaning, so I fear that I may have to put the actual post off one more day.  I want to do this right.

My last day with the kids for the year is tomorrow.  They have a half day, and then they'll go on their merry way to break.  I'll do the same at 3:30.  I may even jump up and click my heels together on my way to the car.  I told my students that their homework tonight is to abstain from sugar consumption and soda drinking until 12:20 tomorrow.  They laughed politely (or maybe out of pity?), and I could just tell that they were thinking about going home and dissolving sugar cubes into a two-liter and drinking it.  I actually saw some of my students do this last year.  That kind of thing has a way of burning itself into one's brain, eh?

I'm sure that tomorrow will be just fine.  In fact, I may even be a little sad when the kids are on their way out the door because I won't see them for a few weeks.  I always feel that way before a break, but I get over it pretty quickly :).  Tomorrow night I will be able to come home and do laundry, pack, and relax a little.  Tom promised me that we could light our annual fake fire in the fireplace (he's frugal, it doesn't happen often, and it is darn special) and drink hot chocolate.  I will also make the giving the priority that it should be.  I promise.

I, JR. Ferri, do solemnly swear that I will catch up on my blogging tomorrow and get my act together.

That's that.  Now back to my sitting-sleeping...



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