Day 275- Baptism

I am falling asleep sitting up because we have been up for almost 19 hours straight... but oh, what a fantastic 19 hours we have had!

3:30 a.m. The alarm goes off.  Was that just a nap?  Is it really time to get up?  It's dark out.  Hmm...

3:35 a.m. Get up!  Get up!  Ok, shower.  Zombies get ready.

6:00 a.m. Flight takes off from STL for ATL.  Open-mouthed napping ensues.

10:00 a.m. Flight takes off from ATL to Greenville.  More open-mouthed napping.  Tom gets some of those delicious little biscotti airline cookies.  Jessi, in and out of consciousness, does not.  Fail.

11:30 a.m. Ferris witness a beautiful and emotional military homecoming on their way out of the airport.  Then, Annieka!

12:00 p.m. Ferri Godparents meet Maks :) and are reunited with Lily and Philos.  Hustle and bustle.

12:30-3:00 p.m. Michigan football.  W.  Moving on...

4:00 p.m.  Maks is baptized.  Hallelujah!  God Bless You, little Maks.

5:30 p.m. Philo party!  Taco bar, cupcake cake, gifts, laughs, bubbles, pictures, family, friends.  Maks is getting very, very sleepy.

7:30 p.m. to present.  Mas futbol americano.  Mucho mas futbol americano.

Maybe we'll go to bed soon.  Maybe we'll stay up for another five hours to make it an even 24.  Maybe I'm sleep typing right now and have no idea what I'm saying.

Thank you, baptism, you made my day.


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