Day 231- That Burning Smell in the Kitchen

That burning smell in the kitchen saved the day.
That burning smell in the kitchen alerted me when the smoke detector did not.
That burning smell in the kitchen kept a little oops from becoming a big oops.

Tom was away tonight for a work event.  I realized when I got home that I had forgotten to get out the hamburger to thaw, and I would have to wait a while to make my sloppy joes.  I made myself a little snack in the oven to hold me over, and then I went about my business.

Later, it was time for dinner.  While I was making my joes extra schloppy, I threw some sweet potato fries in the oven.  I used the same pan that I had used earlier in order to save dishes.  I ventured into the living room while everything was cooking, but I was soon bewildered by a burning smell coming from the kitchen.  I checked the joes.  They were fine.  I checked the fries.  They looked fine too.  I decided that maybe there was something stuck on the pan from earlier on that had burned a little, and I went back into the living room.

That burning smell would not give up.  "Come back," it said to me.  I explained it away.  It persisted.  I went back into the kitchen and opened the oven again, scratching my head.  Fries looked fine.  As I stood there, puzzled, it finally dawned on me.  I saw a little something beige peeking out from under th pan in the oven.

It turns out that the potholder I had used under the snack pan somehow stuck and made it into the oven under the dinner pan.  Oops.  Apparently these guys are not supposed to accidentally go in the oven.  Lesson learned.

Thank you, that burning smell in the kitchen, you made my day.


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