Day 246- Cathy

"Are you ready for your fun weekend," asked Cathy.
"Yes!  Yes!  I'm excited."
"Are you leaving straight from school?"
"No, I have to go to a doctor's appointment after school to have my tb test read for my health form.  Then, I'll stop at home for a minute to pick up my stuff.  It's going to be crazy."
"Why don't you just have the nurse upstairs read it?  She can do that."
"Really?  Really?  Awesome."

And with that, I gained an extra hour I didn't think I would have, I get to spend some extra time with my boys, and my stress level is no longer at a code orange.  Oh... and I found out I don't have tb... woo hoo!  I'm off to Kansas City to reunite with my girls :).

Thank you, Cathy, you made my day.


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