136- Talent Show Judging and Hallway Supermodel

Hahaha... I made myself a fine challenge today.  I wrote about "I Just Want to be Your Everything" by Andy Gibb for last year's blog.  What in the world could I find to donate to that might connect to that?  It's a good thing that I have experienced years of suspect transitions used by my dad in conversations.  This has given me an inflated sense of confidence about my own connecting abilities.  That will work nicely in this situation.

Andy Gibb is a talented singer.  Stop laughing.  It's true.  I volunteered my help for Monday and Tuesday of this week to listen to what I hoped would be other singers and talents.  Barnwell hosted their annual talent auditions, and the choir director asked for staff volunteers to come judge and help pick who would make the show this year.  You better believe I jumped on this opportunity!

I'm always looking for ways to get more involved in my school, and this was a fun one.  I got to spend an hour pretending I was Simon Cowell (although I fear I'm actually probably more Paula or J Lo).  On my score card, I wrote honest comments and gave honest scores for how I thought the kids did.  I felt as if it was my responsibility to save kids from ridicule if I thought their acts would have other kids making fun of them instead of applauding their talents.  I wrote glowing comments about the little stars who came in too.  Regardless of the level of talent and performance, I tried my best to be outwardly warm and friendly.  Just about every kid that came in was visibly nervous.  Some of them were even nervous to the point of flubbing, crying, and running out of the room.  I focused on thinking nice thoughts no matter what so that these things would show up on my face.  I wanted our auditioners to be comfortable and do their best.

All in all, this was one of the most delightful donations I've made yet.


I have a student who uses the hallway as a runway on a daily basis.  Don't get me wrong here... she doesn't do this in a "Mean Girls" kind of way, and it's not always about the fashion either.  Some days she's decked out and as cute as can be.  Other days she's just in basketball shorts or sweatpants (and still as cute as can be).  I don't think she's ever even worn heels.  Yet, no matter what she's wearing and who's around, she's always a supermodel.

My little supermodel simply likes to strut.  She is pure joy, and I always feel her smile reflecting on my own face.  If I miss her first sassy walk down the runway, she finds a reason to go away for a minute to create the saunter back opportunity.  When the walk is over, she always makes time to stop for a chat with her fans.  These conversations are always a bright spot in my day, and I may just be the president of her fan club.

Thank you, hallway supermodel, you made my day. 


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