Day 158- Honor Flight Supplies and Pranksters

Our school district raised quite a bit of money this year to send an entire group of WWII veterans on an honor flight.  Never heard of honor flights before?  I hadn't before this year either.  Basically, the goal of the honor flight program is to send veterans to their memorials in Washington, D.C. in order to honor the service they gave to our country and the sacrifices they made along the way.  It's good stuff.

Our social studies department and librarian held a fundraiser this year for staff and students to donate to this great cause.  It was a great success!  They raised enough money to send a whole bunch of vets on their honor flight, and our librarian and one of the teachers get to go with them tomorrow.  They sent out an e-mail asking for all kinds of supplies they would need to take with them, and I happily obliged with today's donation.

For more information on how to support these flights for our heroes, check this out.


The reading teacher pranked a couple of us on April Fool's Day (well, it was the Monday after, but the signs said "Happy April Fool's Day!").  She and our students put confetti all over our floors and signs in our rooms, and it cracked me up.  I love that stuff.  I think it's great for morale.  I turned the prank into a Whodunit warm-up, and the kids cracked and told me who did it.  I wasn't at all mad.  In fact, I was pleased to see members of our staff engage in such activities.  From the moment I saw it, however, the wheels in my mind started turning.  When we realized that it was a few of us 8th grade teachers in the downstairs who were hit, we began our group planning.

One of my students loves to draw pictures of this weird, ambiguous guy-lady with big lips and a mustache.  It's... interesting.  She suggested that we somehow incorporate this picture as we plotted our revenge.  I commissioned a special larger version of her artwork, and a few of us put up a couple hundred copies around the prankster's room.  She'll find them tomorrow morning when she comes in, and she will hopefully be as amused as we are.

She'll laugh, and I'm sure her students will love the whole thing.  It will be a fun day of running up and down the stairs to check on the aftermath of our 'staches.  Just when the prankster thinks her day is over, she'll walk out to her car and find a gigantic mustache on it, which was made by another teacher's Ac. Lab. 

It turns out that we don't get mad; we just grow mustaches.  In fact, there's a sign that says that very thing (next to the creepy picture, of course) to welcome her on the door.

I know this may all seem silly and ridiculous, but that's exactly why it amuses me so.  We've decided in my wing that we will be on offense in the prank wars next year.  We're learning.  Who doesn't love a little friendly back and forth in the workplace?  I think I can probably count this in the name of the climate committee I'm on. :) 

Thank you, pranksters, you made my day.

P.S. I'm kicking myself that I didn't get a picture of it all today.  I'll try tomorrow and will post if I remember.


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